The narrator is a screen-reading app built into Windows 10. by default, users can start or exit Narrator app by pressing theWindows + Enter (or Windows + Ctrl + Enter in Windows 10 Creator Update) hotkey. This guide describes how to disable Narrator shortcut key for all users in Windows 10/8/7.
You can easily disable the Narrator shortcut key by modifying the DWORD value in the registry key.
Step 1: Open Registry Editor.
Type regedit into the Search box in taskbar and then press Enter.
Step 2: When the Registry Editor opens, head to the following key:
Double-click the WinEnterLaunchEnabled value in the right pane.
Step 3: When the Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value dialog box opens, change its Value data as 0, then click OK.
If you want to re-enable launch Narrator using the shortcut key, change its value data back as 1.
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