If you have multiple user accounts on your Windows 10 and you frequently need to switch between the users, you can create a "Switch User" shortcut on the desktop for easier and faster user switching.
Follow the following steps.
Step 1: Right-click on any blank area of the Windows 10 desktop, and then select New > Shortcut from the context menu.
Step 2: In the "Create Shortcut" wizard, type "C:\Windows\System32\tsdiscon.exe" (without quotation marks) or "%windir%\system32\tsdiscon.exe" (without quotation marks) in the location box, and then click "Next".
Step 3: Name the shortcut as "Switch User", and click Finish.
Step 4: The "Create Shortcut" wizard closes and a "Switch User" shortcut is created on the Windows 10 desktop.
Once you double-click on the shortcut, Windows 10 will quickly display the sign-in screen, from which you can switch to your desired user.
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