If your iPhone or cellular iPad has a cellular data connection, you can turn it into a personal hotspot to share your cellular data connection with other Apple devices when both of you close to each other. This tutorial will show you how to connect to a personal hotspot with iPhone/iPad/Mac.
With these steps below, you can set up your personal Hotspot in iPhone/iPad:
Go to Settings > Cellular. Make sure Cellular Data is turning on.
Tap on Personal Hotspot, then turn it On.
Personal Hotspot doesn't require a password. Instead, it requires all apple devices are signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID. All Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have been turned on.
On the device that needs to connect to personal Hotspot, go to Settings > Wi-Fi, turn Wi-Fi on. Select the name of iPhone or iPad with personal hotspot.
On Mac, click on the Wi-Fi icon in your Mac's menu bar.
Choose the name of iPhone or iPad that provides with personal hotspot.
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