iSumsoft» Mac Tips»Could the Apple Vision Pro Replace the MacBook Pro? Here’s What We Found…

Could the Apple Vision Pro Replace the MacBook Pro? Here’s What We Found…

Charlotte Bayley
Charlotte Bayley


In the world of technology, we’ve seen numerous shifts in how we interact with our devices. Phones have replaced many functions of computers, mobile payments have overtaken cash transactions, and laptops have often replaced desktop PCs. A natural progression in this evolution could be whether AR devices like Apple's Vision Pro could potentially replace traditional laptops like the MacBook Pro.

Could The Vision Pro Replace The Mac

Despite some media reports suggesting that the Vision Pro's performance is nearly comparable to the MacBook, I believe that in the short term, within the next five to ten years, there is no indication that one will replace the other. It is only when technology matures—perhaps as envisioned in Steven Spielberg's film "Ready Player One," where everyone has their own AR/VR device—that such a possibility might become reality. Let’s take a brief look at these two products.

Ready Player One Picture

1. A Brief Overview

The Apple Vision Pro is an advanced augmented reality (AR) headset designed to provide an immersive experience through a mix of virtual and real-world elements. It aims to revolutionize how we interact with digital content by offering a more integrated and spatial experience compared to traditional devices. You can learn more about the Vision Pro through the following link.

Apple Vision Pro

On the other hand, MacBook Pro, as a seasoned veteran, represents a well-established category of portable computing. Known for its sleek design, powerful performance, and integration with macOS, the MacBook has long been a staple in both professional and personal settings. You can also learn more about the MacBook through the following link.

Mac Book Pro

2. Vision Pro vs MacBook Pro

To express concisely, next I will use "VP" to represent Vision Pro and "MB" to represent MacBook Pro.

1. Portability :

VP : While the Vision Pro is designed to be worn on the head, it still requires a degree of adjustment to be comfortable for extended use. Its portability is more about being able to carry the device easily rather than simply folding it up and tossing it in a bag.

MB : The MacBook Pro is known for its portability and ease of use on the go. It’s designed to be carried around effortlessly, fitting snugly in a backpack or briefcase.

Portability Of Apple Vision Pro And Macbook

Therefore, in terms of portability, they are on par with each other.

2. Ease of Use :

VP : Operating the visionOS involves a learning curve, especially as it relies on gesture control and voice commands. This can be a significant adjustment for users accustomed to traditional input methods.

MB : The MacBook Pro’s interface is familiar and intuitive, utilizing a keyboard and trackpad that most users are comfortable with. Its operating system, macOS, is well-optimized for both productivity and creative tasks.

Gesture Control Of Apple Vision Pro

The Vision Pro offers a more tangible experience because it is an AR device, with operations based on real-world interactions. In contrast, the MacBook, as a traditional laptop operating system, might be relatively more abstract. For instance, if two individuals with no prior knowledge of computers were to use both the Vision Pro and a MacBook Pro simultaneously, the Vision Pro would likely be more intuitive for them.

3. Battery Usage :

VP : As an AR device with high computational demands, the Vision Pro may face challenges with battery usage, especially with extended use. Current models are designed for shorter usage periods compared to laptops.

MB : The MacBook Pro offers substantial battery use, often lasting a full workday on a single charge, making it more reliable for prolonged use.

Battery Usage Of Apple Vision Pro

In daily use, the Vision Pro might only last for about two hours before needing to be plugged in, while the MacBook Pro's normal battery life is about 5 to 6 times longer. So in terms of battery life, I believe the MacBook Pro performs significantly better than the Vision Pro.

4. User Experience :

VP : The Vision Pro offers a unique and immersive user experience by blending digital and physical worlds. This can enhance certain tasks, particularly those involving spatial awareness or virtual collaboration. However, prolonged wear can also cause certain harm to the eyes and neck, such as eye fatigue.

MB : The MacBook Pro provides a stable and familiar user experience that is well-suited for a wide range of tasks, from professional work to personal entertainment.

User Experience Of Apple Vision Pro

Both products can pose certain health risks with prolonged use, but in terms of user experience, the Vision Pro is likely to be superior.

3. Conclusion and Future Prospects

Currently, the Vision Pro is unlikely to replace the MacBook Pro due to its current limitations in usability, battery usage, and overall experience. The MacBook Pro remains superior in terms of practicality and efficiency for most traditional computing tasks.

However, the Vision Pro holds promising potential for the future. As technology advances and the device evolves, improvements in its functionality, integration with Apple’s ecosystem, and addressing its current shortcomings could make it a more viable alternative. Apple will need to clarify the Vision Pro’s role within its ecosystem, potentially making significant adjustments in features, configuration, and pricing.

History shows us that technology is constantly evolving. Old technologies eventually fade as new innovations emerge. It is possible that one day, the MacBook Pro might no longer meet users’ needs, making way for advanced products like the Vision Pro.

As the poet once wrote :

"Beside the wreck, thousand sails soar;
Before the blight, wood blossoms more."
The Poem Picture

The evolution of technology continues, and while the MacBook Pro is a formidable tool today, the future may bring new horizons with the Vision Pro leading the way.

4. Reference Websites

Apple Vision Pro :

MacBook Pro :