iSumsoft» iPhone Tips»New Ways to Buy and Read Books, Just Download to iBooks

New Ways to Buy and Read Books, Just Download to iBooks

Charlotte Bayley
Charlotte Bayley


iBooks is a good tool to download and read books. You can download the iBooks app for free from the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. iBooks Store features provide over 2.5 million books, and most of them are free to download and read. This tutorial shows how to download eBook in iBooks.

download ebooks in ibooks

Download or buy books

With an internet connection, accessing the iBooks Store by using one of the methods below:

1. Install iBooks after downloading from the App Store, then tap iBooks icon to open it.

2. Tap Store in the upper left corner, enter to the iBooks bookstore, here you can find a book you like and tap to see more details, peruse reviews, even read a free sample.

3. Tap GET SAMPLE button.

(iBooks downloads an excerpt from the book to your library. After reading the sample, you can buy or download the complete book from the last page of the sample. If you buy the complete book, it replaces the sample in your library.)

4. Tap on the price if you decide to buy, it'll ask you to tap it again to confirm the purchase.

5. Enter your Apple ID password and the book automatically downloads.

6. Go into the iBooks app, after downloading completely, you'll see the new book is on book shelf. You can tap any books and adjust the setting when you do some reading.

a new way to buy and read books

iBook is not the only way to read books on the iPad or iPhone. You can install apps that connect with you like: Kindle, Kobo or Nook account.