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Windows 10/11 Laptop Maintenance: Hardware and Software

Lucas Watson
Lucas Watson


Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, thereinto, laptops are favored by many IT guys for their excellent performance and compact size, making them an essential tool for programming work. However, laptops contain many delicate electronic components, so it's also very important to protect and maintain our laptop during everyday use. But for a computer novice user, how should one go about maintaining their laptop? This post gonna show you some tips about laptop maintenance, both hardware and software. Let's take a look at what you need to pay attention to when using your laptop.

Maintenance your laptop

I. Hardware Maintenance.

Hardware is the most critical part of a computer, akin to the vital organs in a human body. When hardware brokedown, the damage to the computer is severe and may require hardware replacement; in some serious cases, it might even necessitate replacing the entire motherboard. This is particularly true for most laptops, which use integrated graphics cards and have many components soldered onto the mainboard, making them non-replaceable. Therefore, extra care is needed during use. Next, I will discuss how to maintain both the internal and external hardware of a laptop in our daily use.

Computer hardware maintenance

1. Internal Hardware.

a. Mainboard.

The motherboard is considered the central component of a computer. Gaming laptops might have dedicated graphics cards installed, but some lightweight laptops generally use integrated graphics, with the graphics card built into the motherboard. In daily use, we should avoid getting the motherboard wet and keep it dry. Also, avoid using the laptop in excessively high temperatures to prevent the CPU from overheating, which could cause the computer to restart. If you know how to disassemble the laptop, you can open it up and clean the dust and dirt off the motherboard to prevent it from affecting heat dissipation. Additionally, you can regularly replace the thermal paste on the CPU, as the thermal paste can lose its effectiveness over time. You can also use a laptop cooling pad or fan to help with heat dissipation, thereby extending the lifespan of your laptop.

Laptop mainboard maintenance


  • When disassembling your laptop, please strictly follow the user manual and make sure to turn off the power and discharge any static electricity from your body. Static discharge can also damage the electronic components on the motherboard.

b. Battery.

The battery is also an important internal hardware component of a laptop. To maintain your battery, you need to:

  • Check the battery status: You can click here to check the laptop battery health condition on Windows 10/11. If your battery health is significantly worse than before, it is necessary to replace it with a new one.
  • Avoid overcharging: Overcharging can affect the battery's lifespan, so try to charge it only when it's low.
  • Replace aging batteries: As mentioned earlier, if you know how to disassemble your laptop, you can check if the battery is swollen or leaking. If it is, it indicates that your battery is aging and urgently needs replacement.
  • Laptop battery maintenance

    2. External Hardware.

    a. Keyboard and Touch Pad.

    The keyboard is usually located on the C-side of the laptop, typically including the keyboard and trackpad. For daily maintenance, you can clean it regularly. Use keyboard cleaning gel or wipes for the keyboard, and gently wipe the trackpad with a soft, damp cloth. Also, avoid liquids to prevent damage. You can use a silicone keyboard cover to protect the keyboard from dust and debris. If you often use the laptop in a fixed location, consider using an external keyboard and mouse to reduce the usage frequency of the built-in keyboard and trackpad, thereby extending their lifespan.

    Keyboard and touch pad maintenance

    b. Screen.

    The screen is located on the B-side of the laptop and often includes a camera and microphone at the top. It primarily serves a display function in daily use. When transporting the laptop, avoid placing heavy objects on the screen and use a laptop carrying case to prevent screen damage. Try not to touch the screen with your fingers to avoid scratches (except for touch screens), and clean the screen regularly with a specialized screen cleaner and a soft, damp cloth.

    Laptop screen care

    c. Port.

    The remaining parts are the expansion ports on the sides of the laptop, including the charging port, HDMI port, USB port, Thunderbolt port, and other expansion ports. When using these ports, be careful not to apply too much pressure when inserting or removing external devices to avoid port damage. You can use dust plugs for ports that are not frequently used to prevent dust from causing poor contact. Lastly, avoid unnecessary plugging and unplugging of devices to prevent unnecessary damage.

    Laptop ports maintenance

    II. Software Maintenance.

    Previously, we compared hardware to the vital organs of the human body. Now, let's talk about software maintenance, which is akin to the tools a person uses beyond their own body. These tools, such as driver updates, disk space management, and software management, directly affect the smooth operation of your computer. It's like choosing between using a tractor or a hoe for farming; it directly impacts your efficiency. Proper software maintenance can make your laptop more efficient and easier to use. Let's explore the key aspects of software maintenance!

    Tractor and hoe

    1. Driver and System Update.

    Check the versions of your hardware drivers and update to the latest versions if available. This ensures that your hardware works properly. For example, consider the graphics card driver: if it hasn't been updated for a long time, the following issues might occur:

  • Performance Decrease: New driver versions usually contain performance optimizations that better utilize the hardware resources of the graphics card. Without updates, the performance may not reach its optimal state.
  • Compatibility Issues: Newly released games and software may require the latest drivers to run correctly. Outdated graphics card drivers can cause new software or games to not run or perform poorly.
  • Errors and Crashes: Driver updates typically include bug fixes. Without these updates, you might encounter more system errors, crashes, or display problems.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Outdated drivers might have unpatched security vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of system attacks.
  • Lack of New Features: New driver versions may include new or improved features. Without updates, you won't be able to take advantage of these enhancements.
  • By keeping your drivers updated, ensure that your hardware functions correctly and efficiently, and avoid potential issues related to outdated drivers. You can also click here to get more infomation about driver update.

    How to Update NVIDIA Display Driver to the Latest Version

    How to Update AMD Graphics Card Driver to the Latest Version

    Driver and system update

    2. Disk Space Clean Up and Software Management.

    Cleaning disk space and managing computer software are indeed very important. iSumsoft System Refixer is a practical system optimization tool designed to clean up and optimize the Windows operating system, thereby speeding up the startup and operation of your computer. You can optimize your laptop by following these steps:

    Step 1: Download and Install iSumsoft System Refixer.

  • 1. Visit the [iSumsoft System Refixer official website]
  • 2. Click the download button to get the installation package.
  • 3. Run the downloaded installation package and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  • Step 2: Run iSumsoft System Refixer for System Optimization.

  • 1. Launch the iSumsoft System Refixer software.
  • 2. On the main interface, select the "Clean All" option. This will scan your system for junk files and unnecessary data that can be cleaned.
  • 3. Once the scan is complete, click the "Clean" button to remove all the found junk files.
  • System clean up complete

    Step 3: Uninstall Unused Software

  • 1. Open the application management on Setting.
  • 2. Browse the list of installed software to identify the ones you haven't used in a long time.
  • 3. Select the software you want to uninstall, then click the "Uninstall" button to remove it from your system.
  • Uninstall unused applications

    By following these steps, you can effectively clean and optimize your computer system, thereby enhancing its performance and speed.

    III. Other Tips.

    The last part is some other useful tips I'd like to share with you, hope this post can help you!

  • Give your computer a rest by turning it off once in a while. It's no big deal to leave it on for a day or two, but keep in mind that the hotter it is, the more wear and tear on components.
  • When deleting files, make sure you know what they are. If you accidentally delete something important, it could cause major damage.
  • Be careful when overclocking your laptop. It's fun- but it runs the temperature up on the motherboard and WILL melt your processor if the necessary precautions aren't met. Such as a large CPU/Fan heatsink and case fans.

  • Laptop after maintenance