Undo is a function performed to reverse the action of an earlier action. In PowerPoint, you can undo a single action by clicking the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar or pressing Ctrl+Z in Windows PC (or pressing in Apple Mac). By default, Microsoft PowerPoint keeps track of 20 undo operations. You can change the number of undo actions.
To change the maximum number of undo operations in PowerPoint, here is how:
Step 1: Choose File > Options, then click Advanced.
Step 2: Click inside the field to the right of Maximum number of undos and enter the number that you want to allow.
Step 3: Click OK.
That's it. Only with several steps, you can increase the number of undos you can perform in MS PowerPoint.
Note: It's recommended that you do not increase the number of undo actions beyond 150. The more you increase the number of undo levels, the more random access memory (RAM) PowerPoint requires to store the undo history. This affects the performance of PowerPoint.
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