If you do some reading on your PDF reader, you may probably notice that by default, the pdf reader is set up to open at the first page of the document. It's very inconvenient that can't return back to the last position viewed, especially for those who are reading a book or a longer document. You may wonder how can be better do to faster pick up where you left off last viewed the next time opened.
Then, someone might suggest creating a bookmark in your Adobe PDF reader, but this is not possible if you have a free version of the reader. Here, this article will provide a way to set up the PDF reader to open each PDF document at the last page that was viewed before closing.
Step 1: Run your adobe pdf reader and then open pdf document.
Step 2: In the menu bar, click Edit and then select Preference(or press Ctrl + K).
Step 3: Then select the Documents tab, and check the option Restore last view setting when reopening documents.
When the next time you reopen your PDF file, it's able to reach where you last time viewed before you closed.
If you want to know how to faster pick up where you left off in Word document, here is it.
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