iSumsoft BkeyFixer FAQ

What is iSumsoft BkeyFixer?

A: iSumsoft BkeyFixer is a BitLocker password recovery tool, designed to retrieve passwords of BitLocker encrypted drive with three methods, and can accurately locate your recovery files stored on the PC.

Is it secure to use iSumsoft BkeyFixer?

You may rest assured that BkeyFixer is absolutely secure and clean recovery software. We guarantee that you won't lose any data in the process of recovering and searching passwords.

How long does iSumsoft BkeyFixer take to recover BitLocker password?

A: The speed of the process depends on the level of detailed password information you provide. The more specific and accurate details you provide, such as known characters, length, character types, and any other relevant information, the faster the recovery process can be.

Will I lose data using iSumsoft BkeyFixer?

A: No, you won't losy any data during the recovery and searching process. Your valuable data remains intact and unaffected throughout the entire operation. The purpose of the software is solely to retrieve or locate the BitLocker password, without making any modifications or alterations to your data.

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